Online Auction of Fine Art, Folk Art, Weathervanes, Mah Jongg Collection & More. Auction Closes Sunday November 2, @ 11:00 am

Metal, painted Folk Art Alligator

Nathan Auction & Real Estate Inc. is having an online only auction of the antiques, folk art and extensive Mah Jongg collections of Gregg & Woody Swain who recently sold their idyllic farm in Vermont. When it was populated with the material featured in this auction, the sense of blended styles and artistic charm, was hard to characterize. Enchanting would be a good way to describe it. Aside from being serious collectors of interesting objects encompassing many forms and styles of folk and decorative art, Gregg is a well known author and collector in the world of Mah Jongg.

1 of several vintage Bakelite Mah Jongg sets

Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Portions of Gregg’s extensive collection have been exhibited in New York City and the Bennington Museum. Gregg is an authority on the art and history of the game of Mah Jongg and lectures nationwide about it. She co-authored Mah Jongg: The Art of the Game (Tuttle 2014), depicting collections from North America and Europe. It is the first book to discuss the history and iconography of Mah Jongg tiles and sets. Gregg is also co-author of American Mah Jongg for Everyone (Tuttle 2020), a best-selling instructional book on how to play the National Mah Jongg League’s ap- proach to the game.

Arthur Jones "Cabinet Painting, 1997

Folk Art Locomotive Weathervane

Steiff mohair Donkey pull toy, 1904

Isabel Vazquez, o/c 1972, NYC

Napoleonic prisioner of war carved box-  1 of several pieces

In addition to many unique and beautiful Mah Jongg sets, this auction will include prisoner of war bone carvings from the Napoleonic wars, weathervanes, 1904 S and ….Among a nice selection of paintings are 3- Arthur Jones oil paintings, a rare Stephen Hunick oil painting as well as several outsider and mid-century works.  Be sure to check out this on line only auction through Invaluable. The closing date for this timed auction is November 2.  


Real Estate Auction — Friday October 18th at 11:00am